Monday, January 22, 2007

Fahrenheit 451-Entry5: Mood
What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

The mood of Fahrenheit 451 is gloomy and sad because in this book, there’s mostly violence, death, and a little bit of hope. The only part that I found the mood happy and positive was when Montag met Clarisse. When Montag was talking to Clarisse, he set his other problems aside and had a peaceful talk. Clarisse introduced him to books. Montag got very interested in how Clarisse thought of the world. Then, after few days, Montag heard of the news that Clarisse got killed by a speeding car. Before Montag met Clarisse, his wife, Mildred, tried to commit a suicide. The story was at a point where it was as gloomy as it can be. Toward the end of the story, a whole group of people died due to atomic bombs. There were so many deaths and violence going around Montag. This book really saddened me. If I were Montag, I think that I would be such a big misery that I would be wanting to commit a suicide. One of the biggest reasons is that there’s no point of living except to play, watch television, and see the world flow by. Because the technology is so advanced, you’ll never know when you’ll die of “silent” atomic bombs. The reason that people live would be basically to die.


Anonymous said...

I think so too. The book is sad and gloomy, especially the main character, when his life changed forever after he killed Beatty, and he had to run away. The only happiness there is when Montag and Clarisse is together, like you said.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Great post and good comments. Mrs.Mc.