Monday, January 22, 2007

Fahrenheit 451-Entry3: Characters
Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Montag- Montag is the main character in the story in which he is the protagonist. At first, he is a fireman who burns books without thinking, but later, he notices that books are significant to our lives. Then, he devotes himself to reading and learns the value of knowledge. I don’t like Montag because I disagree to his actions. If I were him, I wouldn’t risk my life being chased by a mechanical hound trying to tell the people that books are essential to us. I don’t think books are worth risk of life.
Clarisse McClellan-Clarisse is a seventeen years old girl who lives in the vicinity of Montag. One day, Montag meets Clarisse and finds her interesting in a way that she thinks different from other people. She’s the character that motivates Montag to read books. I only like her uniqueness in the story: how she stood out from rest of the crowd.
Faber-Faber is a companion of Montag trying to preserve as much books as they can. He was an English professor in a university, but retired. Later in the story, Montag and Faber plans to burn other firemen’s houses. He also helps Montag when he (Montag) is trying to escape from the city. He teaches Montag of the value of books.
Beatty-Beatty is the captain of the fire department that Montag works for. Even though Beatty has read a few books, he stopped reading them because he wasn’t able to understand it fully. In the story, Beatty contradicts the idea that books are valuable.


Inhye Lee said...

I agree with you that Montag, Clarisse, Faber, and Beatty were the main characters. I liked Montag, Faber, and Clarisse, but I liked Clarisse the best. She was really unique, like you said, and stood out from the crowd. I really liked that about her. I think Montag was really brave to risk his life for books. I love books, but I don't know if I would risk my life for them. I liked Faber, too, although he is a bit cowardly in how he deals with the current situation of no books allowed. Beatty I absolutely despised. I think he was really stupid, because he knew he was miserable because he couldn't read books. He could have just helped the good side, but what does he do? He gets himself burned up, that's what.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Characters really help us to identify with the content. Good points ladies! Mrs.Mc.